Admin Support
That would be a tremendous add to Stacker features if we could export comments to Airtable!
Kajute O’Riordan
Ide love the ability access tis via API too
Khuned Sachdev
Allowing us to keep comments in Airtble is the way to go, as we only want as little places as possible to store data. Using multiple interface products is also likly to be the way going forward, as not all are good at everything. At present, activating Comments/Activity in Stacker creates nervousness.
Ada Lovelace
Amazing product, keep up the great work.
Aside from confidentiality and moderation, there are a number of problems with Stacker holding user comments.
It would be nice to create a table in Airtable that could operate like the Users table - with a predefined schema that users create that Stacker populates via the API/Webhooks.
Stacker could specify the table structure - for example:
* a column for the author (UserID / User Email) and
* a Rich Text Field / Long Text for the message
then the operation would be similar to creating users.
* Optionally, an additional column could be used for comment ID and
* (where a reply is made) a reference to the commentID of the parent message.
Scott Magee
I would love to see the activity comments have some sort of ability to generate external notifications beyond collaborators. Or allow them to be pushed/exported to airtable.
Chelsea Scriven
Also export activity/comments to Airtable