Group records in the table / list view of records.
Jack Finnerty
Hi Lizzie Davis, was there any progress on this feature? I know you were looking into it last year? Thanks!
Russell Bishop
Must have!
Jake Mattison
This missing feature is the primary reason i am looking for alternatives to stacker
Lizzie Davis
Hi all, I'm a Product Manager here at Stacker and I'm currently exploring this feature request and I'm interested in whether this is something you'd want to see in the admin sidepane or whether it's something you would want the users of your app to be able to set up.
If an admin were to set up a grouping it would apply for all users of an app.
If the app users could apply a grouping, the grouping would only apply to them, and wouldn't affect any other users of the app.
Appreciate any insight you're happy to share.
Jeff Miller
Lizzie Davis: I would prefer this to be set up by admins, so the experience is uniform for all users. It makes it easier to troubleshoot issues and train new users if the experience is the same.
But if you could make it work either way, I do see value in both options.
As a side note, a consideration for this is to increase record list size to more than 30, or allow each "group" to display more than 30 records. Our use case for this would involve somewhere between 50-150 records split up into different groups.
Joel Webley
Lizzie Davis: Admin setup would be our priority. Our users likely wouldn't have much use for it.
Damian Vermaasen
Lizzie Davis: in my case. I would find it useful for users
Nicholas Bittrich
Lizzie Davis: The admins for sure, i currently use multiple related record list widgets in order to achieve the same thing, the nature of the related list ui is quite bulky and to show 3 different groups takes up quite an excessive amount of space!
Jack Finnerty
Nicholas Bittrich: I would agree with this - it would be very useful to be able to set up a view showing a single related record list, with records grouped by a specific field. Having multiple related records lists to acheive this takes up a lot of space. In my use case I would want to configure the grouping as an admin rather than let users decide on the grouping.
Alyssa Dyer
Lizzie Davis: We would have a use case for both scenarios but if we needed to choose just one, admins for sure!
Client Portal MK
Very much needed. Or to at least be able to do sections with filtering options within table/list view so we can create groups.
Stephanie Edwards
Very much need this feature! Currently I have to create multiple list views, that each filter by category and then display a different related record list for each category. If I needed to group by multiple parameters, this would get even trickier.
Peter Nelson
add the ability to have multiple sort levels within the record list groups too
Nate Bartlett
Need this feature too. Group By field is extremely useful in Airtable.
DELTA Constructions Airtable
This option would bring more ergonomics to users. To have worked on Airtable with this option, it would be a real plus for the applications.
Amanda Shipka
Instead of the simple group like in airtable, if you could set filters for each group that would be even better
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