We've added a bunch of new formula functions to Stacker Formulas to enable you to do more with your formulas. Documentation for each of the new functions is provided inline in the formula editor.
4 (1)
New Text Functions
(substring, string, [start_position]) - Returns the position of a substring in a string, starting from the start_position (default 1).
(substring, string, [start_position]) - Returns the position of a substring in a string, starting from the start_position (default 1).
(any) - Returns true if the argument is null or an empty string.
New Mathematical Functions
(number, precision) - Returns the nearest number greater than or equal to the value, to a number of decimal places as specified by precision.
(number, precision) - Returns the nearest number less than or equal to the value, to a number of decimal places as specified by precision.
(number, [base]) - Returns the logarithm of a number to the base specified.
(number, power) - Returns the number raised to the power of power.
(value, divisor) - Returns the remainder after dividing the first argument by the second.